Christian Salvador

About Me

Hi! My name is Christian Salvador and it seems you've landed on my little portfolio webpage! It's still under construction so I hope you don't mind!

I am an undergraduate student at the University of Calgary currently working towards a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science. I am still trying to explore and discover what it is that I exactly want to do but at the moment I am exploring my recent interest in HCI - Human Computer Interaction. I am currently working on an undergrad CPSC 502 research project under Lora Oehlberg at the University of Calgary to explore prototyping hybrid socialization systems in virtual reality.

I do have a few hobbies and interests that aren't directly related to computer science. I am a big fan of art, specifically 2D character illustrations and find it fun to doodle whenever I can. I am also big into computer hardware and VR equipment, especially gaming hardware. I've got a bit of an interest in video games as well, both as a player and a developer. My favorite genre changes quite frequently, but a few favorites of mine that always come to mind are the indie games OneShot and Undertale. I've also helped develop a small game for a course project that you can find below with all my other unrelated course projects!

Portfolio and Stuff